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Our Juliet

Our little baby girl, Juliet ( our 1 year old kitten ) had to go back to the vet yesterday… She was spayed 6 months ago.

Cone Kitty

Now this is not unusual, since I have had female cats before and are used to having them fixed. The difference here is something I had never experienced nor ever heard of before.

You see, 4 days before John and I are to leave for Europe for 2 weeks, Juliet starts this horrible, painful wailing… I was sure she was sick, which totally stressed me out. After about 30 minutes of this crying sound, John looks at me and says “I think she is in heat…” I said impossible, as she was fixed 6 months ago.

John said maybe she is not, but it sure looks like it. Well I had no idea what “heat” looks or sounds like, because I had never had a cat do it before. The closest I got to a cat in heat, was when I was growing up in Point Loma and my sister and I heard a baby crying in our back yard… That was HORRIBLE!

So within the next 4 or 5 hours, the moaning got worse, the crying got louder and Juliet’s butt would stick up in the air if you looked at her, spoke to her, walked past her or even made the slightest noise. Great! 

So after calling our vet, we learn that it is not uncommon and we will have to have her re-spayed… the trick, Juliet has to be in heat for the doctor to be able to locate the smallest fraction on tissue left behind from the spay.

Well after 4 heats ( yes 4 times we had to endure this torture ) we finally got Juliet back to the vet in heat and it looks like we have a successful fix… I sure hope!

So below is a small video of our babies – enjoy – we sure do!

Promised Videos

Below are 3 links to my video footage of the Marriage Equality March and Rally John and I attended on Tuesday night May 26th 2009.

The videos show the beginning of the march from 6th and Laurel, marching down the middle of 6th Avenue towards downtown San Diego and ending at the Hall of Justice for a rally.

It was an amazing experience for me – very cathartic and healing from all the anger and dissapointment I felt all day since the CA Supreme Court decided that I was not entitled to the same rights as all Americans due to my sexuality. 

The war has not yet been won, but will get closer with protests, marches and rally such as this. For in the end, we are all human beings on this great planet and all must be seen equally in each others eyes.

iReport on CNN

John and I were interviewed at the Marriage Equality Rally last night at 6th & Laurel by an iReporter for CNN, before marching downtown to the Hall of Justice… our interview is about 3/4 of the way through the video. The reporter was interviewing couples.

I will post more videos I took during the march later tonight…

Thoughts about today

There were so many thoughts going through my head today.

The first, was how did the CA Supreme Court make a decision only last May 2008 to allow a major civil rights issue a constitutional right, allow the general public to vote on a civil right, and only 1 year after their original decision, decide the reverse the decision they made and take away my right to marry.

My second thought about today’s decision is this: how does someone from another country, who comes to this amazing country, the United States of America, can get a US citizenship and have MORE civil rights, than myself, who was born and raised right here in San Diego California? This is unfair, and our CA Supreme Court is to be held responsible.

The state of California…

With great sadness, that the California Supreme Court has upheld Prop 8, banning the right for John and I to marry in the state in which I was born. This is both embarrasing and hurtful to me and many thousands of my friends and families.

Below is a statement released from the LA Gay and Lesbian Center that I feel expresses our sediments very well…

L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center issues statement:

“Today, our Supreme Court sent a mixed and troubling message. While upholding the legal marriages of the 18,000 same-sex couples who married in California, the ruling establishes that all Californians are NOT entitled to equal protection of the law. This is a sad day for our state and a setback for the cause of freedom and fairness. But it’s also important to keep this in perspective. Every noble struggle known to man or woman has been filled with losses—temporary defeats that people had to endure and overcome. We must pick ourselves up and move forward, knowing that justice ultimately will prevail and the right to marry will one day be ours forever. Fortunately, this loss comes amidst a veritable tide of progress in many other state supreme courts and legislatures—a tide that cannot be turned back, no matter today’s decision. Not only are courts and legislatures recognizing that it’s wrong to discriminate against any group of people by denying them the fundamental freedom to marry the one they love, but now even a majority of Americans agree. Most people in the nation now believe that same-sex couples should be treated equally under the law. That is enormous progress and we e cannot let one election, one court case, one defeat – or even many defeats – stop us. And we must not let such challenges limit our dreams. Those who came before us and who could never imagine our successes did not give up. We owe the same dedication to those who are yet to follow. Most importantly, we cannot afford to lose sight of the bigger picture. Ours is not a fight simply for the freedom to marry. Ours is a fight for full equality; full equality and nothing less.”

Well it is Monday night after a nice long weekend… guess it is time to hit the hay and prepare for a BIG but short week, starting tomorrow with the California Supreme Court’s decision on Prop 8… I know they will do the right thing.

Don’t forget to rally at 6th and Laurel @ 5:00!

Welcome to my very first blogging experience

Well I have started this blogging, following in my little sister’s footstep… Hope you enjoy!

Michael’s 19th Birthday Dance

This is Michael Harris’ 19th Birthday dance at Christopher and Nikki wedding celebration


Thank you for visiting my new blog.

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